Which bike to choose in 2023? Follow my advice before buying a bike or an accessory.?

before buying a bike

With the crisis, the success of the bicycle has never been denied, because now there are dozens of models of bicycles (road, all-terrain, all-road, urban, electric), but also tricycles, quadricycles and other cargo bikes .

Follow my advice as an experienced cyclist to ride a bike safely whether in town or in the countryside, because cycling is a complete sport and accessible to everyone: young and old, young or old.

Buying a bike online on the Internet sometimes saves money, but it is impossible to try the bike before buying it.

To choose a bike , several parameters are important to take into account such as your budget.

For the purchase of a good mechanical bicycle , it is necessary to count on average between 500€ and 1000€, and for an electric bicycle between 1000€ and 2500€.

In fact, it all depends on the use you are going to make of your bicycle, because buying a bike to go to the market on Sunday morning or buying a bike to do 100 km of hiking on the weekend . will not be the same.

Compare prices well, because buying a bike is not as easy as it looks.

You have to choose the right frame size and the right equipment so as not to be disappointed by your purchase according to your practice and your physical level.

Cycling is good, but being able to buy the ideal bike for less is better.

If you are looking for a racing bike , be aware that several types of models exist depending on your practice and your sporting level.

Above all, pay attention to the size and geometry of the frame you are going to choose as well as to the material used for its manufacture, steel, aluminum, carbon fibers, titanium.

Similarly, you can find new bikes 10-40% cheaper during specials or clearance sales, as a retailer will be more likely to quote you a price if you’re already a customer of theirs.

Everything is a question of perspective, but reliability has a price, but it also has big advantages in the long term, because to change components, re-tension the spokes of a wheel or make a last minute adjustment before a race, it is always good to be able to count on a bicycle professional in your city .

Find out the prices of a hybrid bike, mountain bike, road, city, competition, because depending on your use or your level, a bike will not have the same price.

If you are a beginner, know that a carbon road bike costs around 1500€ for a good level entry-level model.

Be careful, just because a racing bike will be lighter, stiffer, more comfortable and more expensive does not mean that it will be the best bike for you.

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