The Ultimate Guide to HEX LOGIC Polishing Pads Chemical Guy’s.?

HEX LOGIC Polishing Pads

One of the most common questions asked by polishing beginners when they want to polish their car for the first time is what type of polishing pad they should choose and that is a very good question!

Having used the HEX Logic PADs from Chemical Guy’s recently and very happy with their quality, I offer you this little advice guide on these PADs  so that you can know everything about these pads, their colors and their possible uses.

Indeed, even before I started learning about automotive polishing, I had no idea that there could be so many different types of polishing pads or pads available and each having a very specific purpose (heavy polishing, finishing, application of a wax…).

I remember my online order, on ShineArama (to tell you that it’s dated!), I had taken a few weeks before ordering so much there was a choice of six PADs of different colors, not to mention the sizes or even the textures.

I had absolutely no idea which one to buy and that’s why I’m bringing you this guide to Polishing PADs from Chemical Guy’s.

You will soon find other Guides on the Brands: Lake Country, Meguiar’s, Gyeon and others.

The Basic Guide to Polishing PADs

In this guide, I suggest you see all the basics on polishing PADs. There are different shapes, sizes and textures of polishing pads and it was important for me to explain them to you.

In this guide, we therefore see some brands of polishing PADs such as Lake Country, Chemical Guys but not only. I explain how to properly use a polishing pad and how to maintain it.

This guide will surely help you to better understand how to choose your polishing PADs for a very first order or to improve your collection of PADs for all types of corrections.

The Lake Country Polishing Pads remain my favorite for polishing, but I must admit that having tested the Chemical Guy’s, I was disturbed, because they are really nice. In short, I am aware that the Lake Country are the most popular on the market and are something of a reference product! It must be said that they are very solid and that they offer a very good result.

While HEX polishing PADS or pads are great products, I think it can still be confusing as to which PAD to choose, with which polish or even what size polishing PAD is right.

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